I am funny, distasteful, talented, annoying, friendly, stupid, hilarious, interesting, sarcastic, sick, light-headed and slightly gealous (the exact amount that can be tolerated easily). I am not scared easily, not afraid of ghosts, zombies, or other so-called paranormal activities. I like enscriptions on small cofee cups, red wine, and sensory deprivation. I am a fascinating slacker, a genious, a philosopher, and not a fun guy, because i don't use drugs.
All photographs available on these pages are in low-quality, for copyright purposes. For a high-quality version of a photo, contact me.
Insemnari despre Fotografie
"In acest desert mohorat, o fotografie anume, brusc mi se intampla; ea ma insufleteste, eu o insufletesc. Acesta trebuie deci sa fie numele atractiei care o face sa existe: o insufletire. Fotografia in sine nu e prin nimic insufletita (nu cred in fotografiile "vii"), dar ea ma insufleteste..." Roland Barthes - Camera luminoasa
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in drum spre.....???? ;))
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